
Gulfnews: Newly: wed bride wants to divorce bald spouse(via:Secret Dubai Diary

A woman who agreed to marry a man after seeing a photograph of him in traditional headdress is demanding a divorce after she discovered he was in fact bald.
The prospective bride saw the man portrayed in local headgear and agreed to marry him.
After signing the marriage contract the couple met face to face and the wife was shocked to discover her new husband was bald. She immediately refused to live with him and decided to file for divorce.
In her claim, she said she had been cheated and did not want a bald husband. She maintained she would never have married him had she known he was bald.
He said he also wanted a divorce. The couple have not been officially divorced and court officials are still trying to settle the dispute.

UAEで、伝統的なかぶりものを着けたままの男性の見合い写真を見て結婚に合意した女性が、結婚契約書にサインした後に男性と対面して、禿ていることにショックを受け、一緒に住むことを拒否し、離婚訴訟を起こすことに決めた、という話を有名ブログ(Secret Dubai Diary)経由で見つけたのでご紹介まで。ちなみに2005年のニュースです。